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Saturday, 4 July 2020

The University Exotic Cat Project -Proof

Last Friday (3rd July) I had a phone call from a stringer for a London newspaper. He told that he had been told by someone (I know who) that I had worked on or cooperated with the University of Wales Swansea and its Exotic Cat Project. As I knew he had seen a posting of mine I confirmed thios but pointed out that any correspondence and conversations relating to the ECP were confidential.
"That's the problem though. isn't it?"

It was said in a way that vaguely hid his meaning. So I asked him outright why he was phoning. Apparently he thought the idea of an article with information of the conclusions of the project would make a good story, as did the editor he talked to. I asked why he was phoning me then. "Well, according to the university there was no such project and I've talked to people (he neversaid whom) who say it is all made up.

My response was to tell him that I had no interest talking to a hack who did not check facts before calling me a liar. I then put the phone down.

The problem is this; the Exotic Cat Project started when a professor at the university found a pony that bore the signs of a large cat attack. The professor contacted Bristol Zoological Gardens who suggested (after checking with me) that she contact me. 

It is a long story but eventually the ECP was set up to study and investigate reports using  scientific methodology. I was able to supply a lot of data (double checked by the ECP) and even loaned some rare and expensive books along with irreplaceable note books.  We spoke by phone several times a week and exchanged letters/data almost weekly.

One evening I telephoned to talk to the professor, whose daughter answered and in the background I heard very clearly "tell him I'm not here" -a message the daughter passed on rather awkwardly. After that all attempts at contact were ignored.

The other member of the ECP, who apparently had a sighting of a non native cat while doing Project field work, vanished.  I never got my books or notes back.  This was the third time academics who claimed to be above board and abide by professional guide lines did this.  In this instance I had spent far more time and energy (and money) to help.

I was told by a former Swansea student that the talk was that the ECP had been told to stop due to either "official pressure" or because it was coming up with irrefutable evidence and that might cause university funding problems.

For me this reporter was the final straw. I cannot and have never breached confidentiality in over 40 years so showing correspondence is ruled out.  However there are technical maps some of which were shown at the Eastern Cougar Conference years ago. 

I apologise for the photos (these maps will not fit onto my A3 scanner) but the point is proof rather than dazzling photos.

Each map carries the university name and map creator.

If the University had simply been honest and said there had been a Project but that was in 2003 no problem. However, repeatedly telling people the ECP never existed is calling me a liar and I will not tolerate that.

Raccoon Dog In Wales

photo National Resources Wales Sadly for this raccoon dog its death is guaranteed. No attempt to find a wildlife park or zoo willing to take...