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Monday, 27 December 2021

No Funding, Lots of Data Theft and Why A Lot of Original Material Does Not Appear Here


One reason why I do not like putting stuff on the internet let alone original research.

"My productivity has gone through the roof with Academia Premium. I'm spending twice as much time reading research and have cut my time gathering in half."
Evan Patrick
Stanford University

I have found from personal experience that in most "professional" fields especially universities, professors, doctors and students will use your original data and then not credit you. There is a long list of agriculture college and university students writing papers and asking for information from me "You will be fully credited" but then not crediting me.
At least with University of Swansea I got some credit -even if they lost some valuable old books and original data. tells me daily that "T.Hooper" appears in 3-6 papers on dogs or cats and some other subject I have no interest in. But I can see all of my mentions in papers.....
"Upgrade to see 631 papers that mention Terry Hooper"
Yes, for $60 I can see ...or not see...'my' name. The name is Terry Hooper-Scharf someone screwed up there. In case you do not know what is:

" is an American for-profit social networking website for academics. It began as a free and open repository of academic journal articles and registered a . edu domain name when this was not limited to educational institutions. The site was launched in September 2008."

Why waste time on research if you can simply steal someone else's work? "Professional standards" only apply to those at the universities who will stick by and support their "nothing but professional" colleague even when there is documented proof of data theft. yes, I have a very low opinion of academics based on experience -limiting any contact with an organisation however legitimate it might be decreases the risks to my work and as every penny going into it is from my pockets...
A lot of these people trawl the internet or get students to do so and what is on the internet is "fair game".
Absolutely no one was interested in exotics in the UK and I had to build up my own data base over the decades and a chunk was published online or in newsletters -I now see a lot of that, some of it word for word, published as original research. A tad galling.
So I do not want to put a lot of the fox work out there until it is published and people in mammalogy get copies (they'll probably steal the info anyway) so I can prove originality of the work.

Work into foxes is not covered by any funding (naturalists lose out to university types every time) and the work into exotic species in the UK is definitely not funded. In both fields I have made breakthrough discoveries and found evidence.

So when someone asks "When is that paper or book coming out?" my response is always "When it is completed".

Sunday, 26 December 2021

A 1998 Press Item -What On Earth Is Out There?

 Reporters who get 1977 as 1997 and 1998 are not that good....and they bugger up straight forward replies you give them! Never even spoke to...