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Thursday, 27 February 2025

Raccoon Dog In Wales

photo National Resources Wales

Sadly for this raccoon dog its death is guaranteed. No attempt to find a wildlife park or zoo willing to take it -the authorities never have before and killing is standard. The 'fun' shooters will be out and any farmer feeling the need to kill something after foxes have declined to such a low number in Wales will also want some fun.

Note how the item uses the standard "threat" phrases. The UK is not fit for any wildlife. Oh, and if illegal to breed where are they (including porcupines, meercats and other exotics) coming from?

BBC News

  • Published

A search is under way for an "unpredictable" raccoon dog which is on the loose in north Wales.

The animal was last spotted south-east of Llyn Tegid, Gwynedd on 29 January, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) said.

Raccoon dogs are considered to be invasive non-native species which can negatively affect native wildlife - it is therefore illegal to breed or sell them in the UK, external and existing raccoon dogs must be kept securely.

People are being urged not to approach the animal and to report any sightings, "dead or alive", to NRW.

Raccoon dogs roam in the wild, so it is believed the animal could be spotted more than eight miles from Llyn Tegid.

NRW added they were small, nocturnal fox sized animals, originally from East Asia which ate fruit, insects, rodents, frogs, birds.

"As with any animal, their behaviour may be unpredictable and are not to be approached," it said.

Monday, 24 February 2025

UK Big Cat Groups and the Fear of Expert Knowledge

 While responding to a post about a deer that was found dead over at Sighted Big Cats Face Book page I made the mistake of editing the post and deleting a line which, as I was still recovering from covid bout 3, I never realised removed part of the next line. 

The point I was making is how deaths in foxes caused by cars are replicated in deer and other wildlife but, fair enough, someone pointed out that the animal in the photo was a deer not a fox. So I apologised for the mistake and not making it clear that I was comparing injuries created in RTAs.

However, I then get three responses mocking my inability to identify a fox from a deer and stating that the data gathered on foxes between 1976-2025 would be unreliable and that includes all of the 80+ post mortem results.

This is something I have noted on this group in particular where in the past I have received private messages that could be designed for no other purpose than to offend.  In fact, I think I have only ever had one positive response there and it could well be because photos/videos posted of 'big cats" and tracks have been domestic cats and dog tracks. "Big cats" rather like UFOs and the paranormal are these days a fan-thing.

Back in the 1990s we had DNA, hairs and all the evidence we needed BUT it can all still be dismissed as from an 'escapee'; where it could not be dismissed was when DEFRA moved in and made its legal threats (outlined elsewhere on this blog).

When I started in 1976 to dismiss reports there were only three other naturalists I knew involved in looking into these sightings and doing field work. Sadly they have all passed on but my question is why are people so scared that they have to mock and insult someone who was doing this work before most of them were born?   

We proved former exotics have been here for a very long time in the 1990s and some of that information was presented in The Red Paper 2022 Felids.  What are the current groups trying to prove because even a dead large cat is going to prove nothing to those who dismiss reports.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

A 1998 Press Item -What On Earth Is Out There?

 Reporters who get 1977 as 1997 and 1998 are not that good....and they bugger up straight forward replies you give them!

Never even spoke to the Weston and Worle New!

The British Big Cat Cover Up (that really isn't) update


There is one thing that does not surprise me and that is how "big cats" have become an almost fantasy hobby like UFOs or Bigfoot.  Anonymous posters come out with some absolute garbage and groups are drawn into the claims.

From 1977 until 2018 (anything after that is occasional) I was listed as the person for UK police forces to contact regarding wild living exotics in the UK -especially large cats. I saw the police photos and plaster casts and I heard back about (when it started being used) DNA test results on hair samples found.

The police at no point told me "You cannot talk about any of this!" and were quite open about reports.  The main police concern was public safety because they knew there were people out there who would love to shoot a "big cat" and there were illegal exotic groups which is why no accurate locations were ever given out -also the press loves to print outrageous "killer cat in your back yard" stories.

We had plaster casts, we had DNA, we had photographic and other expert opinions of cat kills as well as scratch posts and in some cases the areas of cats was mapped. 

Everything I did was as a naturalist and I never charged a penny as opposed to one "professional big cat hunter" who took hundreds of pounds from police forces to "track" a cat but never succeeded and his main aim was to shoot a "big cat" and get the press and TV attention -he even claimed on TV that there were "hundreds of big cats" in the UK.  He passed away in the early 2000s so he cannot respond and I will leave it at that.

My greatest embarrassment was when I refused to let newspapers call me "Britain's Big Cat Hunter" so the title "Britain's Big Cat Detective" was used over and over "after all you are looking for evidence" is how one reporter defended the title. Only one photograph of myself ever saw print and you could not see my face as I was holding up binoculars!

Repeated posts about a person from a zoo who was called in by police and worked around the country and so was privileged to see all the big cat evidence but "He was not allowed to say any more" is honestly big cat poop. The odd zoo was asked whether someone could confirm a track and that was it.

Newspapers still call me up as do radio stations and TV companies but my reticence in stepping out in public again is that journalists cannot tell a straight story. For instance:

Cambrian News 30 05 2023  More evidence Beasts of Bont could be alive and breeding? 

"British big cat expert Terry Hooper – who wrote a book on the subject released in December – told the Cambrian News: “Back in the 1990s we (myself and the police force involved) obtained hair that was identified as Panthera Pardus - leopard.  

“We also obtained evidence of puma (kills, scratch posts, scat and more) as well as lynx.  

“The current claim of DNA I cannot comment on as I have not seen the test results myself and as this is being used to promote documentary it carries no weight until confirmed.  "

Which is correct to a degree but when it veers off to "a family of big cats" it is completely wrong. Apart from when rearing young there is no "big cat family" and when you are talking about puma -no "big cat" (journalist: "But it is bigger than a domestic cat so a Big cat!" ).

Gazette and Herald  03 05 2002 Big cats may be breeding, says expert

"Terry Hooper, who runs the Bristol-based Exotic Animals Register, believes this cat could be one of a family.

A woman horserider in Highworth saw two smaller cats pass her path, which Mr Hooper believes to be the offspring of the larger cat.

He said: "They were reported not so far from another bigger cat.

"The sighting of a larger animal, probably a male, in the area, means that in a month or so, we may be hearing the patter of tiny paws."

"They have had a really good time recently there are wild rabbits, deer, and ducks and geese, so they have got plenty of food. Therefore there is no reason for them not to breed."

Note: "probably a male, in the area, means that in a month or so, we may be hearing the patter of tiny paws." I did NOT say such a bloody stupid thing!!


The Observer 09 02 2003 Britain's big cats strike back

"Terry Hooper, co-ordinator of the Exotic Animal Register, which has compiled hundreds of big cat sightings since the Seventies, said: 'Politically it's become a very hot potato.'

After Cole's attack, Hooper contacted the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, offering to share his data but claims the department did not respond."

Well, I never used the phrase "a very hot potato" for a start but I suppose that my long explanation of how things worked in government agencies might have been hard to understand (I am being sarcastic there).

Yes, DEFRA did refuse to cooperate and told outright and provable lies regarding exotic cats but I clearly explained to this reporter how DEFRA created every difficulty it could to get me off the Partnership Against Wildlife Crimes roster -even ignoring two chief constables and a number of other senior policeman who backed me.  

DEFRA also at one point threatened to legally seize all of my maps and files in the name of "public safety"; I have no idea why the person said such a stupid thing and most of my information is in my head but I made it clear that any such threats would result in court action.  Now, DEFRA trying to cover up and "silence an expert witness"?  Uh...the Observer reporter never picked up on that!

Police have known about large cats (again; there is only one known member of the Big cat family in the UK and that is the panther. Pumas are not Big cats)since the 1980s, as has the Home Office and vets, farmers, some zoologists and many others. There is no cover up conspiracy. No "You must never talk about this" warnings. The only people who believe any of this seem to be on Big Cat groups and none of these has accepted my offer of looking at the best evidence they have to confirm it all and the maps they are putting together are so off its incredible.

Mind you -am I part of the cover up?

Raccoon Dog In Wales

photo National Resources Wales Sadly for this raccoon dog its death is guaranteed. No attempt to find a wildlife park or zoo willing to take...