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Thursday, 19 November 2020

Projects Surveys update

 Before reading the below please note that I have been dealing with people on a confidential basis since 1975 and in all that time not one name of an observer/watcher has ever been given out: all communications are confidential.

 Fox Study Project 

I am looking for:

(1) Photographs of foxes that people see in their gardens or while out walking.  This is so that I can see what colour coats and tail markings foxes have in different areas of the country.

(2) Information on whether foxes in your area have been hit by mange at any point and what happened to the fox (if known)

(3) If you have foxes in your area and whether local people are feeding them.

Please note that when you do get in touch I will need to know at least the street and town you live in. This is due to hoaxing in the past.

Non-native cats

(1) Reports of sightings along with as complete a description of the cat seen as you can remember.

(2) Location of the sighting

(3) Are there wild rabbits, deer or other wildlife in the area?

(4) Has this type of cat been sighted in the area before and do you know thedate/year of that sighting.

(5) Naturally, if you know someone else who has seen the cat could you please ask them to get touch re. their sighting?

Feral & Wild Cats

(1) Are there local feral (domestic cats living wild) in your area and do you know how many?

(2) Are those cats being fed by locals or are they fending for themselves?

(3) Wild Cats is a term used to describe the European or Scottish wild cat and we are aware of reports of these being sighted around Englamnd and Wales -possibly as released pairs. Have you sighted one of these cats and where -also are they known generally to be in the area?

(4) Until they can be positively identified the next cat we have called the "Hooper Cat" -a name coined by police wildlife officers in the 1990s. These cats are black and tend to be described as long legged. They are known in Nottinghamshire, Midlands and North of England (I am not giving out locations). 

(5) If you have seen one of these cats where? Is it known locally and what other type of wildlife is in the area -rabbits, etc?

While some of these cats are black dark brown and greyish have been noted. The following photographs show the difference between a domestic cat and the "Hooper Cat" -this includes longer legs and size and patterned coats.



From the 2000 study paper I know where wolverines were at that point. Whether Scotland, Wales or England if you have seen these animals then please get in touch and, again:

(1) if you know that these animals are generally known about in the area let me know.

(2) what other type of wildlife is in the area -foxes, rabbits, deer etc?

That is it. Basic information gathering and I hope that some people may have filmed or photographed not just cats but also the foxes.

As noted all communications and names and addresses are kept confidential.

At one point I used to answer the phone from 0600 hrs -2300 hrs but thosedays are gone and to mainly help witnesses not ring up big phone bills I am doing all communication by email or Face Book Messenger which are free.


Face Book Messenger look for the Fox, Wildcat and Wolverine Group:

Exotic Animals Register on Face Book

If you can contribute information to this study -Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Projects Coordinator

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