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Friday, 15 January 2021

WHY Red Paper II: Felids will NEVER apprear

 Some curious soul asked "What's in that box?" on seeing a photo.

This is not quite everything but are the papers, maps, etc (if you read The Red Paper: Canids you know the sort of stuff) for the second Red Paper: Felids looking at exotic or non native cats in the UK -full historical summary, sources (yes, the 1976 DWAA was a more recent release date), photos and with DNA results not to mention the scientific work carried out on certain carcasses identifying cat dentition proof beyond doubt that "They" really are out there and have been since at least the 17th century.

Of course, the official policy is that absolutely EVERY "exotic" (even if it has been a living wild and breeding species for a couple hundred years -evolution makes that a native animal) MUST be destroyed. No quibbling.

And that is a fact and I have affidavits from persons who were present when DEFRA assigned vets "euthanised" such and the local police wildlife officer was immediately informed but could do nothing.

I follow the evidence. I have proven (though I dislike the phrase) that my wild life work is as intensive as other work and as a "noted naturalist" my name has been on various papers some presented at conferences (its also gotten me a lot of cooperation from US wild life agencies).

Here is the problem: to prove the case I need to provide maps and other information that could lead to wide scale contract hunting (this happened in the 1990s) and killing of exotics.

I have always stood by these words:

"Not by word, deed or other action to cause harm to animals"

DEFRA tried every dirty trick it could to stop my work and eventually resorted to blocking me on the Partners Against Wildlife crimes roster -despite protests from two Chief Constables.

the Red Paper II: Felids will NEVER apprear until or unless the official killing policy is reversed and that is never going to happen. Ask UK Badger groups how their published maps were used when the government decided to go on further badger killing sprees -badgers that had been in an area for generations and nowhere near cattle were gassed or inhumanely killed by contractors who shot, wounded then took a few more minutes before finishing the job (there is video circling).

Before I croak every map and every single page will be incinerated.

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