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Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Plack Pumas and the Exotic Cat Group


Allow me to clear up some things.

My post on why a black puma is/was not impossible was removed for a very simple reason and I have been chided with claims that I have "reconsidered" my claims. Firstly, it is quite obvious that those doing the chiding missed out on grabbing the article for themselves and hope that I can be bullied into re-posting it and they can then get it. No.

My decision was made at 0340 hrs when I finally decided that decades of having my original research stolen and used by others as their own work without even crediting me.  The post (in print form) comes to over 20 pages. In fact, that is a piddling number of pages considering the witness testimony (including from one senior lecturer in zoology who had worked with pumas).

My intention is to put all of this together and those seriously interested in the subject rather than wanting to sensationalise material, can buy copies and help me cover the work as well as eat! Since 1975 I have spent many thousands before and after the creation of the Exzotic Animals Register (EAR). You will see why I get miffed at people using my work for their own gain.

Next, Swansea University and the Exotic Cat Group headed by Prof. Alayne Street-Perrott. I worked with Prof Street-Perrott from 2005-2011 regarding non native cat species in the UK. I had considered her a friend but my problem is with the cutting off all communication without any explanation. I see that as a personal slap in the face.

Regarding Prof. Street-Perrott's work with the ECG and research I could not praise her highly enough. She put a great deal of work into historical research as well as into technical paper presentation. Prof. Street-Perrott also did a great deal of field work and examined and recorded much evidence that cannot be refuted regarding the existence of non native cat species. For this she will always receive my highest praise (which is very hard to come by).

Alaric Smith who carried out much field work and research alspo receives praise from me for that.  Again, the problem is that he suddenly just bailed out which may have put Prof. Street-Perrott "on the spot" -I have no idea- but certainly left me rather angry.

The work is not in question. It was exemplary. It is the sudden, almost out of character, behaviour from 2011 that I dislike.

Was, as has been suggested, political pressure put on Swansea University and Prof. Street-Perrott (feathers were ruffled at certain points particularly with the Chief Veterinary officer -although Defra only works directly in England, it works closely with the devolved administrations in Wales) to cease and desist in the work I have no idea. It would still not be an excuse to not just telephone and explain things or even respond to my letters or emails at the time -after all I was not about to go out declaring "cover-up and silencing" to the press!

The experience did make me decide to never assist or work with any such establishment again.

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