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Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Raccoon Dogs In The UK -Pets Escaped and Wild Living

 Some times I wonder why I bother.

Apparently there have been escapes and or releases of Raccoon Dogs in the UK -in Lincolnshire and Manchester areas this year. Others are known to be living wild in certain areas and have had no effect on the eco system and the EAR is against the DEFRA policy of "eradication" or killing these "invasive species" some of which have been in the UK for a very long time and yet, where known to exist have caused none of the damage predicted.

Japanese Raccon Dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus)  

Siberian / Ussuri Raccoon Dog (N. p. ussuriensis)

I have been monitoring raccoon Dogs in England since the early 1980s though it is likely they have been present since the late 19th/early 20th century. Like most wild canids the Raccoon Dog has been hunted and killed in the thousands -particularly the Japanese RD which has survived where the previous Japanese government policies led to wolves being wiped out.

If you see a raccoon dog in the UK do not approach it as it could have young or living in the wild be more aggressive than normal. If you have a dog keep it leashed. If you can photograph the animal then please do and then report the sighting to myself -I can be messaged via Face Book messenger on the UK Carnivore Advisory page or email me at 

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