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Sunday, 24 July 2022

Big Cats of Britain / Road Kill / Kellas type Black cat

Working with UK police forces since 1977 I have heard reports of large cats killed in the UK and even have the official affidavit of the witness to a cat killed by a MAFF assigned vet (confirmed by police).    Nothing new. We have leopard DNA, bones studied showing that a large cat was the killer, so many photos of sheep and horse attacks, puma droppings, tracks, scratch posts and so much more.

It does not have to be proven that the cats are in the UK as we confirmed this over 24 years ago. In the case of this video, and based on the location and diagnostics this is an outsized black feral domestic -what police wildlife officers called "Hooper cats".

WARNING video contains graphic images

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A 1998 Press Item -What On Earth Is Out There?

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