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Friday, 20 October 2023

British 'Big Cat' Social Groups -pure Ignorance and Toxicity

Someone asked on a Big Cat group on Face Book whether the Victorians who went off travelling the world brought back various cat cubs but as they got older and bigger dumped them.

I politely responded that there is no information suggesting that and that these cats were available to buy in the UK without world travel expenses.

Another person stated that the "current theory" is that lynx never died out in the UK.

I politely pointed them in the direction of my paper on lynx in the UK.


*Terry Hooper and what is your conclusion as this is your book? We have proof of people admitting to letting them go…

*Terry Hooper there has been multiple people that have admitted to releasing big cats, following the DWA. There is also a video, recently posted on here, about a man that runs a big cat sanctuary in the UK, who has a puma that was dumped on his doorstep and speaks of people - now a days- dumping their big cats when they can’t handle them. Where do you get the info to the contrary?

"Terry Hooper thats where ur wrong. the chipperfield circus released some

Well, I tried to be polite since these and others obviously did not understand or were unable to read my post:

""Nope. A lot of misconceptions here and if I tell the conclusions of my work then no point selling it.

"I dealt in far more detail with UK exotic cats in The Red Paper Felids. I have spent 1976 up to present studying and researching these cats and from 1977 on I was a UK police forces exotic wildlife advisor and still do that from time to time.

The sightings did not start with the DWAA 1976 and as a naturalist I know the various cats are out there but its pointless arguing the point if people 'know everything'.

I have bones from kills examined by experts at universities and all the photographic evidence, pawprints I need.

Just do some research and do not conclude that I am wrong until you have read my published research is all I am asking."

The problem is, as I say, these groups tend to be toxic and had I said they were all correct I would have been piled on by others who disagree. My papers and books are out there for them to read. Fact and fully referenced with material and reports never before seen. None of the cryptozoological fantasy-to-make-money or "cryptid" rubbish. Facts. And that makes me a debunker (an insulting remark to any professional) because I haver proven various formerly exotic cats are in the UK?

These people need to stop reading Fortean Times or the silly cryptozoology books that are non factual. However, those reinforce the opinions of the fans and so do the podcasts and the obviously faked reports that keep popping up on these groups.

For that reason I will keep to posting on my own EAR Face Book groupo and here. Hoipefully some educated people will learn.

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