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Thursday, 18 July 2019

Very Important Notice

I am currently awaiting a response from the person involved but if I have not heard from them by Sunday I will be posting an item on Monday.

It appears that certain cat reports will need to be re-assessed in light of recent information.  It appears that academics I worked with on a certain study may have had ulterior motives but I think it only fair that they be given a chance to respond.

Whatever the response is, however, I will never again work with academics whose claims of professional conduct values appear to be hot air.

I am getting far too old for being messed about by people who withhold information, findings and other evidence.  I've been doing this work since 1977 and having my data filched is no longer going to happen.

Face Book and a Closure Notice

There is an EAR Face Book page if you want to contact me via Messenger but you may still do so via  the confidential email system at

the Face Book page is here:

Since this blog was set up there have been high numbers of views.  However, no feedback, comments, reports or...anything.  Yet it seems people have been taking info from here to use as their own.

For this reason from next Monday this blog will be closed.

I am not prepared to keep updating for info thieves and people with no interest I'd guess.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Cover Up?

I was sorting through some paperwork last night when I came across a file marked "MAFF" (Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries & Food -the body that became DEFRA (Dept Environment Farming and Rural Affairs).

I had forgotten an exchange of letters with them in the mid 1990s.  They had stated clearly that there had never been any reports of wild living wolverine (Gulo gulo) in the UK. I challenged them on this and gave the names of RSPCA Inspectors (when that job meant something), dates, times and locations that they had sighted and reported such animals.  I gave similar for naturalists who had seen wolverine and even incidents where police were called out over a "rather angry animal" which they identified via my fact sheets as wolverine.

The MAFF person apologised and corrected the statement as to "no wolverine reported to MAFF as causing live stock problems". So they were not saying that there were no such animals in the UK -just not reported to them (a lie in fact).

In another exchange I cited incidents, dates, times, locations and offered contact details for people of sound reputation who had sighted large exotic cats (non-native is only really applies to recent escapees). I suggested that rather than repeatedly get embroiled in press chat that they tried to avoid, it might be an idea to get anyone reporting sightings to contact me.  After all, I had been doing this for 20 years by then and police forces passed on reports and I was a member of Partners Against Wildlife Crime (PAWS).

There were no large cats in the UK they told me. They had guidelines on how to deal with such cats IF they threatened livestock so long as it breached no poisons or other legislation.  Hang on...there were NO CATS out there but they had issued guidelines to deal with these non existent cats?

Oh they were doing more than just advising.  Active trapping and killing of cats -I had the report from a police wildlife officer and got a signed affidavit from the farmer involved who was shocked and outraged as he thought the cat was being knocked out to go to a zoo. 

DEFRA's chief veterinary officer dealing with big cats amongst other things had me blacklisted from contacting her office and DEFRA blocked me from PAWS as a consultant despite my being backed by two chief constables.

Yes, these cats ARE out there. MAFF and now DEFRA know it and, I really really hate to write this: they have been covering up these matters for a long time and I and police officers, farmers groups and others know it.


Thursday, 11 July 2019

'Puma' In Devon?

As the person who contacted me wants no publicity and would only send the photograph upon the guarantee of anonymity I shall refer to him as MP.

"About 8pm on Tuesday (9th July) evening I was driving near a sports club in Devon -the one with the high security fence on the left hand side of the photo which is currently being partially removed. Me daughter C-- and her boy friend K--- were in the car.  K--- sez 'that's a  something or other cat!' and C-- said it must be a puma as she reckoned that it was following two of those tiny deer (muntjac?) that had run across the road a while before.

"K-- started freaking out in the back seat while C--- climbed over the seat into the front to get a better look.  She got her phone out to take a photo but her hands was shaking and she handed it to me.  Never used it before but she said to point it and tap the key. So I did and she told me to video record it but I pressed the wrong button and the phone shut down.

"Don't want no publicity or my name mentioned to anyone. I've known two fellas that have seen these pumas and they got the piss taken out of them and for one it got so bad he moved down Bideford way after quitting his job. But here you go to go in your files -a fairly clear puma photo!"
Now, anyone who knows cats will know that is not a puma.  Head and body are all wrong and if you want a blow up of the cat....

 To me it looks like a lion -a lioness?

Is someone having a joke?  The location is given as "about 10 miles from Woolfardisworthy" and THAT set alarm bells ringing.  As I am unaware of any recent sightings in that area of puma let alone lions I tend to views this dubiously -MP did say that a local farmer had lost sheep recently and found the carcasses but had told everyone locally "big dogs" had killed and buried them.

Pinch of salt.....or a sack of salt?

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Wolverine sounds

Wolverine Attacks Guide....WITH CUDDLES (Summer Vlog #4)

This gentleman is mistaken when he claims to have been the only person to have ever raised wolverines. He is breeding them, of course, for (I hope) educational purposes.

He is either ignorant of the work of Peter Krott with wolverines, which is what I suspect, or ignopring it. The member of the audience claiming this is historical is, again, a sign of complete ignorance. Unfortunately, the internet age and TV programmes have created many misinformed armchair experts.

if you can find a copy of Krott's 1958 book, Tupu-Tupu-Tupu (translated from the German) I recommend it.

Wolverine In My Yard!

Rare sighting of wolverine hunting in Montana

A Wolverine Showdown | Alaska's Deadliest

Despite the misleading title these two wolverine are NOT fighting!

Why It Is Important To Identify What You See

Apart from the photographs used on this blog to help members of the public, police, RSPCA, farmers groups, et al to identify a cat reported in the UK it is important that calls are included.

Vocalisation tells you a lot.

At a time of cat sightings in Wiltshire in the late 1990's a muntjac deer carcass was found.  There were a lot of muntjac in the area and these are sizable meals for any large cat.  At the same time time period a loud roar was heard at night and muntjac distress calls were also heard.

I was at the BBC Wildlife Unit a few years ago and one of the producers (there were two) I was talking to asked: "Are there actual leopard reports from the UK?"  I showed him some maps and other material and asked why he brought up the subject. His response was obviously given with some consideration as the person he was referring to was "Quite high up in the BBC".

It seems that this BBC executive had been in Africa and visited areas where leopards roamed freely and in the evenings he and his wife and friends often heard but very rarely saw a leopard. Back in the UK, not far from Bristol, the couple had their bedroom windows open as it was quite hot. The executive was thinking about a meeting next day when he heard a familiar roar. His wife said "that was close" and he said "yes". He then put his head to pillow and after a few minutes sat up: "That was a bloody leopard!" he exclaimed.  His wife muttered "yes" and he had to wake her properly. The next day he listened to recordings of leopard calls at the BBC -after describing what he had heard. It was confirmed. He had heard a leopard.

It was only when it had dawned on him that he was no longer in Africa that the penny had dropped.

I recall a Canadian zoologist who had just finished a puma survey on Vancouver Island where he had seen paw-prints and heard the occasional call but, as he put it: "They can be watching from a few feet away and you wouldn't know!"  This zoologist was driving through the Scottish Highlands one day on personal business. It was clear, sunny and he said there were "lovely blue skies and I had expected mist and rain".

As he drove along at a low speed to take in the view he slowed down more as a puma crossed from one side of the road to the other. He watched and took mental notes that it was a male, very good condition and a brownish colour he had not seen before.  As the cat moved on he told me: "I thought the guys at the centre would be jealous that I'd seen this great Tom!"

A mile down the road he braked suddenly. He realised that he was NOT in Canada but Scotland: "They don't have goddam cougars in Scotland!" he had said to himself yet he had seen one some ten feet (3m) away in perfect viewing conditions. The zoologist was very embarrassed but told me: "I have a confession to make. I was sat there watching this cat and even had to move my video camera out of the way at one point. Yes, I had a video camera loaded and in front of me and even in Canada I would have used it but this was not a field study and had I not been so dumb and realised the importance..."

A very reputable senior zoologist travelling in Wales had seen Jungle Cats in a forested area once and so seeing another would not have surprised him. However, in extremely clear -perfect- conditions he stopped as a black cat moved across the road, under a central barrier and away -after briefly stopping to look at him. He got out of the car after it moved off and measured the space below the central barrier, the length of road that the cat's body had covered as it watched him: "It had every diagnostic feature of a puma yet was melanistic (black)".

This zoologist had taken part in many wildlife projects including trapping and collaring puma and had an international reputation -built up over decades and was on many occasions called up because of his experience.  A rather minor biologist on hearing this account told me: "He saw a leopard there are no black pumas!"  I put this to the zoologist who was rather angry: "Had it been a leopard then I would have driven on and not stopped to make precise measurements!" The biologist maintained his position (he did work for DEFRA) and I gave him the zoologists contact details and suggested he discuss it with him. He backed out and never did because the witness was well above his level and he knew that in challenging him he would be somewhat humiliated.

This is why it is important to identify what you see or hear.  Personally, I have no interest in what armchair 'experts' ("X" equals the Unknown and "spurt" in a drip under pressure) say.  They are of no importance.  The evidence lies with the witnesses and there are a good many -more than people may realise.

Leopard sounds

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Rare: Asian golden cats spotted in western China

Elusive Golden Cat Filmed | National Geographic

Cat species size comparison - Living

Cat species size comparison - Living

Jaguar Facts

Magnum Black Jaguar Growl

Beautiful Jaguar Roar

Eurasian Lynx calling at Wildwood Kent

Canada lynx vocalizations

Canadian Lynx (Mating calls)

Two Lynx in Ontario Have Intense Conversation

3 Different Leopard and 1 Lion Roar Who's Voice is Louder and Powerful H...

black leopard Luna roaring

Leopard Roars In A Tree (4K Video)

Mountain Lion Roar Sounds !!!

mountain lion puma roaring

Mountain Lion screaming!!!

Cougar / Mountain Lion Calling

Puma Female Call

Leopard sounds

2012-1021 k368 Leopard Calling for Mate

Un puma en France ? | ARTE

Monday, 8 July 2019

Face to Face With A Mountain Lion

When the man turned his back and seemed about to run I held my breath -notice how fast and close the puma had gotten to him in that short time. You run you act like prey.

The advice, if you find yourself in these situations, is to scream, shout, run towards them, make yourself look was big as possible, throw stones in front of them etc. It scares them off

Bobcat City - Studying Urban Cats - Texas Parks and Wildlife [Official]

See Why the Mysterious Mountain Lion Is the ‘Bigfoot’ of Big Cats | Shor...

Saturday, 6 July 2019

Is Bigfoot A Leopard?

I have just been watching a recent documentary on Bigfoot.  It was in the background while I was doing work and you might ask what this has to do with my EAR work?

The narrator was referring to a doctor and his wife who had such frequent sightings that eating breakfast in the morning "there'd be at least one of them (Bigfoot) outside"

Apologies but my first words were "bull shit".  No credibility.

We are talking about a professional -a doctor- who might have a mobile phone with camera or could at least purchase affordable CCTV or other equipment and casually film these creatures.  That they haven't lowers the integrity of the reports.

However, this is where my interest was piqued: kills had been found on the property -animals ripped in half and "carcasses found hanging in trees".  The Bigfooters equate that with Bigfoot killing food and yet the - THE- most obvious explanation is that you are dealing with a large cat and what was described seems to sound more like a leopard kill.

So, no Bigfoot. Leopard -yes.

A 1998 Press Item -What On Earth Is Out There?

 Reporters who get 1977 as 1997 and 1998 are not that good....and they bugger up straight forward replies you give them! Never even spoke to...